Car Rental Notes

Must-Knows Before Your Excursion - Daihong Car Rental, Your Gateway to Easy Travels.

Car Reservation Process

Fill out the form on-site.
Customer settles the payment.
Conduct vehicle inspection.
核對證件 確認交車
Vehicle Return Inspection
確認無誤 還車簽名

Car Rental Notes

  1. Customers who book a car using our company's reservation system must agree to pay a deposit for the booked vehicle (the deposit is 30% of the total amount). Additionally, the lessee should proactively provide their payment information along with their name and phone number. The reservation is only considered complete upon receipt of the order confirmation returned by the store.
  2. To ensure the security of your credit card transactions, our company has established regulations that require the person making the reservation to match the lessee's information and provide the same identification and driver's license when processing the car rental procedures.
  3. If the lessee wishes to extend the rental period, please notify our company at least three days in advance of the pickup time. Our company will retain the deposit for 30 days (counted from the pickup date). After 30 days or during the Chinese New Year period, our company regrets to inform that no refunds or extensions will be accepted.
  4. If the lessee fails to inform the company in advance and does not pick up the vehicle within 1 hour of the scheduled time, it will be considered as a waiver, and the deposit will be forfeited. The company reserves the right to re-rent the vehicle to others.
  5. If you have any questions, please contact the Provincial Reservation Center at 0800-210-369.


⚠️ 承租人須年滿”18 歲”且持有「有效汽車駕照」一年以上,須出示中華民國身分證及個人有效駕照(外籍人士有效 IDP 國際駕照※、當地駕照、護照、VISA/MASTER/JCB 信用卡、簽證或居留證或出入境證明,國際駕照需收押金12000元,待三個月後確認無罰單後可刷退(刷退所需時間為7-14個工作天)
⚠️ 本公司保留最終租借決定之權利
⚠️ The rental fee includes compulsory insurance. If additional coverage is needed, extra vehicle insurance must be purchased separately.
⚠️ 車輛禁止食用檳榔、吸菸,帶寵物違者另收清潔 800-3000 元
⚠️ 本公司車輛僅限行駛於一般道路,禁止越野、溯溪等娛樂行為否則將進行損壞賠償
⚠️ 臨時變更出、還車地點及時間須取得本公司同意以利車輛調度作業
⚠️ 續租須提前詢問告知,如影響下一位顧客,需支付營業損失、租金、以及調車費用
⚠️ 為提供更安全、更舒適的車輛給本公司客戶使用,請提前預約訂車。
⚠️ 租金不包括汽油,承租人請依實際使用狀況於合法之加油站自行添加。
⚠️ 本公司向承租人所取得之相關個人資料及租賃內容,皆由中華民國現行法令保護其個人隱私
⚠️ 租車一天以24小時計算,逾時每小時費用為日租金定價十分之一計收,如超過五小時則以一天計算(即5小時01分起視同一天)。
⚠️ 出車時,備有符合中華民國交通部核定之”租賃契約書”以為證明。
⚠️ 承租人所出示之證明文件必須為本人所有,遇證件不符等因素本公司保有出車決定權,如有冒用他人之證件實屬詐欺之行為,本公司保有法律追訴權,本公司依法不得出租車輛給不符合相關規定者。
⚠️ 各項費用或條件本公司保留異動之權力,如有異動調整時,本公司不另行通知。
⚠️ 客車及貨車每日限駛里程為400公里,貨車時租限駛里程為每小時40KM(日租超時之情況下,如租2小時里程可行駛80KM;租5小時里程可行駛150KM;租10小時里程可行駛300KM);客車超出部份:客車超里程每公里加收5元。
⚠️ 為保護您的權益,承租車輛發生碰撞或失竊時,請保持現場,並立即報警處理,切勿與對方私下和解,並和本公司聯絡,否則承租人須負賠償責任,並無法享租賃契約書保險理賠保障。
⚠️ 門市營業時間為9:30~20:30,請於營業時間內至門市/櫃台現場辦理取/還車手續。
In the event of the lessee failing to return the vehicle on time or extending the rental, the rights and obligations of both parties will continue to be governed by the terms specified in the rental agreement until the vehicle is returned.

The company reserves the ultimate right to decide whether to proceed with the rental.

  • 平日為:週一至週四及週日18點以後。
  • 假日為:週五-週日 17 點 59 分以前,國定假日及其前一日。
  • 取還車時間為早上 10 點-晚上 20 點 15 分。

Car Pickup Instructions

Within 1 hour of vehicle pickup, any non-human-induced damages to the vehicle's mechanics are fully warranted by the company. However, if the vehicle has defects or operational issues, please notify us immediately. (If driving exceeds 40 kilometers or 1 hour, rental charges still apply). All Daihong rental cars are equipped with CD audio systems. Feel free to bring your own CD, and you can inquire about the operation with on-site staff. Refund method for temporary special situations: (Applicable only to natural disasters, typhoons, suspension of high-speed rail services, etc., and applicable to those who proactively call).

  1. Notification 24 hours before pickup: Full refund of the deposit or retention for three months. (Counted from the reservation date, considered forfeited if exceeding three months).
  2. Notification within 24 hours before pickup: Retention for one month. (Counted from the reservation date, considered forfeited if exceeding one month).
  3. No proactive notification: Considered forfeited, and the deposit will not be refunded or retained.

The explanations provided in the above 1.2.3 points all pertain to the refund methods for the deposit in special circumstances.
When the contract cannot be fulfilled due to the lessee's attributable reasons, the refund of the deposit shall be handled according to the following regulations:

  1. Cancellations made ten days before the scheduled rental date will receive a 100% refund of the deposit.
  2. Cancellations made seven to nine days before the scheduled rental date will receive a 50% refund of the deposit.
  3. Cancellations made four to six days before the scheduled rental date will receive a 40% refund of the deposit.
  4. Cancellations made two to three days before the scheduled rental date will receive a 30% refund of the deposit.
  5. Cancellations made one day before the scheduled rental date will receive a 20% refund of the deposit.
  6. Cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled rental date or failure to notify of cancellation will not receive a refund of the deposit.



Important Notices

  1. In the event of a vehicle accident, it must be reported to the police for documentation. Otherwise, the company will not process any claims, and all losses will be borne by the lessee.
  2. To ensure cost protection, the protection fee is calculated per day and must be paid for the same number of days as the rental period. When extending the rental, it is considered an extension of the protection coverage.
  3. Rental fees only include mandatory insurance. Lessees can choose to purchase additional insurance coverage independently (e.g., 吉時保保險
  4. Rental fees do not include theft insurance coverage.

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